I have a fabulous Hollywood Regency style floral wall hanging by Syroco for sale on Craigslist right now. Why Craigslist? Because this piece is GINORMOUS! It measures 48" at it's widest point, and because of it's sheer size, it would be very expensive to ship- around $250. So if you live in the Denver area and are looking for an amazing mid century statement piece for your wall, click through to Craigslist and get in touch. Of course, if anyone else feels they have to have it and are willing to pay the shipping expenses, I will be glad to arrange delivery.
More about the piece: It is a gold tone dogwood branch with ivory blossoms. There is hardware on the back that can be repositioned for hanging horizontally or vertically. It measures 48" x 30", and is in really nice condition.
Incidentally, Joan from Mad Men has a few smaller pieces from this same Syroco dogwood branch series in her bedroom.
The Syroco is not what made her sad. Promise!